Entrada Hotel Llacs de Cardós Tavascan

Hotel Llacs de Cardós* is located at the highest part of the Cardós Valley in the region of Pallars Sobirà. The small rural town of Tavascan, inside the Natural Park of Alt Pirineu and only 40 minutes away from the National Park of Aigüestortes and Sant Maurici.

The Hotel is open the year round, except for the month of November and days 24th and 25th of December.

Address: c. Únic s/n
Tel: +34 973 623 178 / +34 665 825 952
Email: info@llacscardos.com
Lat: 42º 38′ 42.9828″
Lng: 1º 15′ 27.3168″
Tourism registry: HL-000391

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